
Monday, April 16, 2007

A Friend

It's nice to have a friend like you
With whom my heart can share
Its little hopes and fondest dreams
Because you really care.

It's good to know I need but call
In case my foot should slip,
You're like a lighthouse in the fog
That guides my little ship.

It's nice to have a friend like you
Within this "vale of tears,"
Someone who never changes
However long the years.

Who sees beyond the features,
And all the outward show,
And needs no words to read the thoughts
That only friends can know.

It's nice to have a friend like you,
Forever and a day,
Who through the good times and the bad,
Will never go away.

No matter what the future holds,
Whatever life may send,
I'll always know I have been blessed;
...Because you are my friend.



At April 20, 2007 at 2:50 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey...nice blog....but i'm thinking for whom this blog might be?????

At April 20, 2007 at 2:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

And also i guess, he is a real good friend of yours.....Lucky chap..


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